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Storytime with Nonna

July 2024  - A month ago my daughter sent me an Instagram post of a grandma who had started a YouTube channel to read to her grandchild that lived a few states away.

My grandson is a country away, so I instantly hopped onto the computer, read a few books and made some unlisted YouTube videos with readings just for him.
That evolved into over 40 book readings, so I decided, why not share them with everyone? My account is called "Kindness and Stories" after all!


Introducing "Storytime with Nonna" on my YouTube channel. Enjoy readings of children's picture books from some of your favorite authors, some not so well-known, some self-published, and, even my own.

Each video is made with love for my grandson, but I hope you share and enjoy the stories with your little ones too. ❤️


Find my YouTube channel here:


 or search "Storytime with Nonna" on YouTube.

Please remember to like and subscribe.

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