About Me
My name is Angelina Gauthier, and I am a district elementary school helping inclusion teacher and former elementary school principal with over 25 years of experience teaching, leading, and coaching children and youth.
I have a YouTube channel, called "Storytime with Nonna", which I created to read stories to my grandson, who lives thousands of miles away, and an Amazon storefront, to share my favorite books, teacher tees, teaching resources, and personal items with you.
I have been writing since I was three, when I would narrate and my Dad would type my stories on his state of the art Royal portable typewriter. My mom further developed my love of words by reading stories and singing songs.
I value kindness, which I share with my students on a daily basis. I teach and encourage social emotional learning, foster successful learner traits and promote a culture of kindness.
I enjoy writing, reading, hiking, enjoying the outdoors, and travelling with my husband. We love time with our two grown daughters, sons-in-law, and our sweet baby grandson.
Contact Me
I love hearing what you are doing with my books, seeing photos of students reading them, or getting updates on how your kindness initiatives are going.
Send me an email at kindnessandstories@gmail.com. I will reply back!
You can also follow me on these social media platforms:
Author Q & A
How long have you been writing for?
I have been writing since I was three, when I would narrate, and my Dad would type my stories on his Royal portable typewriter. My Mom further developed my love of words by reading stories and singing songs with me and my brother and sister.
I continued to write stories into high school and was a journalist when I graduated before returning to university to become a teacher and now an elementary principal.
What inspired you to write "What Kind of World Would It Be?"
As an elementary principal, I am always looking for books to promote social emotional learning, kindness, and other positive character traits. When I was searching, I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, so I decided to write it. The book was inspired by my students and my passion for kindness.
What encouraged you to publish "What Kind of World Would It Be?"
I have always had a dream of publishing a book. I created a handmade book in university, submitted many manuscripts to publishers, and received many rejection letters. In 2018, I discovered a self-publishing program offered by Laurie Wright and realized that I didn't have to wait to have a publisher, but could self-publish, and that is what I did, following Laurie's program!
What inspired you to write “I Love you to the Treetops”?
This story originated over 15 years ago when my husband, two daughters, and I would play a game at bedtime, saying how far we loved each other. Someone would start off and might say, “I love you to the treetops” and the next person might say, “I love you to the mountaintops”, and it would go on and on with each person trying to go somewhere farther.
What is your goal when you write? What do you want people to take away from your stories?
The goal when I write is different depending on the book. For “What Kind of World Would It Be?”, I wanted to instil and inspire the value of kindness in the reader, and to provide a book for parents and educators to teach social-emotional skills. When I wrote “I Love You to the Treetops”, I simply wanted to write a book that children can curl up with their family members or caregivers and celebrate the love of family, in whatever form their family looks like. I suppose my goal is to foster positive relationships and to encourage positive character traits.
Do you have more books planned for the future?
Yes, I do have more books planned for the future. I have started my third book, which is the first in a series of books to help support social-emotional learning in schools, and to teach values.