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Help Kindness Grow - Our Kindness Tree

This school year our staff and students are feeling a bit disengaged with the Covid-19 Health and Safety regulations. We are a school that participates in many whole-school activities, monthly assemblies, multi-grade events, buddy classes, and school jobs. These create a sense of strong community, and have been put aside because we cannot meet as a large group.

When browsing the internet for bulletin board ideas, I came across the Kindness Tree. This idea is not my original idea, but as with all great ideas, they are worth copying and sharing!

I created two Kindness trees in the school: one by the front doors and one by the gym. On World Kindness Day, November 13th, students and staff were encouraged to colour and write kind quotes, phrases, or words on a handprint or a heart and place them on the tree.

Students walk past the gym daily, so I wanted to be sure that they saw their contribution to our tree and our school goal to continue to spread kindness throughout our school.

When I read the quotes and messages on the handprints it brought tears to my eyes, as I felt gratitude that our students were showing they understood the importance of kindness.

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