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The Power of Compliments

A year ago I wrote a blog entry about compliments, and here I am, a year later, prompted to write on the same topic.

Last night I received a wonderful compliment, via text, from one of my teaching colleagues, who has become a dear friend. It was so kind, thoughtful, specific, and powerful that it brought me to tears. Sometimes we don't know the impact we have on others.

This goes the same for giving compliments. If we don't share them, others will not know how we feel about them.

I recently heard the quote, "Don't let things go unsaid". This quote holds true under the category of compliments.

Don't let time go by. Tell someone you appreciate them today.

Don't let appreciation go unsaid. If you don't tell them, they won't know.

Giving compliments is something we have to teach kids to do. They are really good at "You are pretty", but need a bit more practice on "You were really kind when you helped me pick up the pencils that fell out of my pencil case."

I have added a free pdf download to my website with a worksheet of six compliment cards that you can print off and photocopy for use in your classroom or your school. There are also free pdfs of a compliment criteria poster and compliment starters.

Teach your students the power of compliments and create a Compliment Corner of your own. Head over to, go to the Free Worksheets tab and let the compliments begin!

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