During my 1600 Followers Book Giveaway on Instagram, Allie, @joysofkinder, reached out to me. She is the co-founder of the Kindness Ninjas with @smallactbigimpact. If you aren't already following them, I recommend that you do. 😃
On their website, www.kindnessninjasrvs.com, it says, "Kindness Ninjas are a group of individuals who are empowered to become kind, contributing citizens, and change makers. With their red headbands, stealth, and sneaky skills; they’re encouraged to engage in random acts of kindness and good deeds within their homes, schools, communities, and World. They share their heart-warming stories with the World, in hopes to inspire others."
On the website it shows how to become a Kindness Ninja, it provides a 15-day kindness ninja challenge and has videos to show how this project has spread around the world. https://youtu.be/R87vDk6ju6c
This program is right up my alley, as I run a Kindness Club and Kindness Challenge at my school. I am sure certain I will be using these resources. Check it out!
