New Print Logo and Back to School Promo Code
Hello friends! I have been adding some new products to the Shine Shop for back to school, and I hope you will take the opportunity to...
New Print Logo and Back to School Promo Code
Let Kindness Shine Shop & Gifts
Be Kindtastic
Introducing the Let Kindness Shine Shop!
Kindness Rocks
Compliment Ninjas!
Gratitude and Appreciation through Compliments
Help Kindness Grow - Our Kindness Tree
Author Q & A
The Amazon Yellow Banner
Presenting . . . Book #2: I Love You to the Treetops
Join My Book Launch Team!
Caught You Being Kind!
Kindness Ninjas!!!
The Gift of a Litograph Scarf
I Was Teacher Ninja'd!
Let Kindness Be Your Mantra
The Kindness Boomerang
Welcome to my Webpage